Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Day off...

Yesterday I had a day off. It was planned and I had been looking forward to it for a few weeks now and it seems strange that it arrived so soon! The simple fact is that I was meeting a girl. I have been talking to her for a while now and we get on pretty well if a little sparodic.

Anyway... I think I made myself quite clear how I felt about her. I had only met her a couple of times before although we have been talking for over 2 months now. And to be honest the first time I saw her she didn't blow me away with her looks... but its amazing how a personality can change that and she now looks like the most beautiful girl in the world!

It was our first 'date' if you will and I made some effort! Well, I think so! I knew I was in trouble when I was spending hours deciding what to wear the night before and ended up with only 4 hours sleep! I only got 4 hours sleep because I had to get up early and make her a hot lemon and honey drink which I carried to her in a thermos to keep hot. I also had to go out to buy some flowers and fill up with petrol.

The drive to her house was scenic and quite pleasant with the sun beaming down. It was an 85 mile drive which seemed to be over pretty quickly on hindsight. Once I picked her up I gave her the flowers and the lemon and honey drink as well as a couple of hand warmers for her to take to work and back...

Obviously thats just the beginning... We then went to Bluewater where I had paid for a "Soothing body massage for women" which was an hour long. She was shocked but 'reluctantly' enjoyed it! And whilst she was getting her massage I went to the Bear Factory and made her a teddy bear. I hid it in the car so it was a little surprise for her later! ;)

We then had lunch and just spent some time talking and getting to know each other. We didn't actually do much shopping at all! But time passed pretty quickly, I guess it always does when you are having fun. We had a coffee and talked about nearly everything. We shared moments of laughter as well as some time talking about more 'grown up' issues.

Before we knew it it was getting late and dinner was beckoning. I took the liberty of choosing where to eat as my 'date' was quite undecided! I was originally going for something quite sophisticated and romantic, but I thought it would be a bit too much for a first 'date' so I choose a cosy little British restaurant with a more lively and cosy feel. It was a nice dinner, nothing too fancy and nothing to OTT.

The end of the evening was drawing near and it was time to take my 'date' home. I was quite sad knowing the night was going to end... I drove quite slowly, stretching the last hour or so, knowing that the next time we meet might be quite a while due to some circumstances out of our control... Inevitably her home loomed up large and before I knew it we were outside her door. It was raining so, being the gentleman I am, I walked her to the front door with my umbrella. We hugged and I left.

The drive home was not so pleasant. It was raining hard and it was windly. Passing lorries was a challenge with water spraying heavily, obscuring my vision. It was quite respresentative of how I felt. It was dreary and depressing with no end in sight. It was a far cry from just a couple of ours earlier where even 30mph felt like I was driving too fast and getting to her front door too quickly!

So now what. I got home, I called to tell her I was safe and sound. What do I do now? What should I do now? It has been so long since I have felt this way...

That was my day off. It has possibly been the happiest I have felt in many years. Thank you for spending the day with me (even though you may never read this!).


Anonymous said...

Do what you feel. Things will fall into place whether you are going to be just friends or more. Dating is the time to find out.

I am going to make apple turnovers. Wanna try?

MadameSarina said...

Wow, you felt all this on a 1st dat and all from talking to the girl for two months. You are so romantic. Now I am off to find a guy equally, if not more romantic as you! God, i have faith in the world now!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww thats sooo sweet :-)