Monday 2 April 2007

Something about me..

I should tell you a bit about myself. I am very clumsy! I am constantly hurting and injuring myself on a regular basis.

Today I managed to hurt myself walking into the corner of a wall whilst going into the office for work. Basically I smacked my knuckle into the corner and its bruised. Later on this evening I managed to stub 3 toes in one go on an exercise bike! And if that isn't enough to demonstrate my clumsiness, I hurt myself each time I washed my car on the last 3 occasions! And each time it was on the side gate. I elbowed the brick wall once whilst trying to take a photo. I 'shouldered' the wall as I was walking through and the most recent time I avoided the wall by walking into the metal bolt on the steel gate!

Other minor things like cutting myself shaving one morning, closing the door of my car before my foot is fully inside and cutting my finger whilst slicing tomatoes. These are all things that have occurred in the last 7 days!

I think I will start an injury log alongside my blog. Just to keep count of how much of a danger I am to myself! I will be able to see just how clumsy I really am!

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