Thursday, 2 August 2007

A 30 year old's blog

A couple of days into my 30s and I feel no different. I feel quite relaxed actually and I have just been continuing to live each day as normal with work followed by the gym.

Maybe I’ll talk about what I watched on TV tonight instead… Well it was on National Geographic Wildlife. I was watching documentaries about bears.

I have a fascination with bears. They are massive creatures with great destructive power and pretty much without predator other than humans. But even with their strength and power to kill they are relatively ‘nice’ towards humans in that most attacks end up without life being lost, which cannot be said for other wild animal attacks.

The bear is powerful, graceful and passive unless provoked… I like to think I am in a similar mould myself and if reincarnations exist I would like to come back as a bear! :)

Actually there were 2 programs on bears and the second focused on an ageing bear who used to rule the river where the bears fished. Unfortunately the bear was getting fat to old to defend his turf and he was over powered by a younger more hungry bear. I guess I kinda felt sorry for the ageing bear, but that is life. We get old and we get surpassed. We cannot rule forever and I think it is important to know this.

We all have our time on this earth and we need to make the most of the time we have before it is taken away from us due to nature and the natural cycle of life. But what comes around goes around and the ageing bear fathered a couple of cubs who one day may regain their father’s crown.

All I can do now is to make sure I keep myself fit and healthy and make sure I use the time I have left to its maximum potential. It’s easy enough to live a simple life and go through the motions, but I would like to make more of an impact. Maybe not in the sense that I become wealthy and powerful, but more in the sense that I have helped people and it is recognised.

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