Sunday, 13 May 2007

Feeling antisocial

Prior to going to HK I had a packed schedule with something to do, someone to see or somewhere to go nearly every day of the week. But since my return from HK I am feeling somewhat antisocial and lacking motivation to go and see people, do things or go places.

I have many things on my mind of late. Time spent with parents and grandparents have had a profound effect on me. It has made me think of my future more and more. What am I doing with my life? Where do I want to be this time next year? Setting myself up for the future is figuring highly on my agenda. But how? I spent time in HK with my parents and their friends and they talk of making tens of thousands in a blink of an eye. They can afford to eat at the most expensive restaurants in HK. HOW DO I GET TO THEIR POSITION?!

Granted that they are close to 30 years my senior, but given my education and English language skills, surely I can accomplish just as much, if not more? I feel a bit useless at times. It is in these moments of depression that I feel as though no one around me knows how I feel... basically my peers. Who do I talk to?

I just feel that my generation of young men and women are not as driven as people of my parents generation. But then how can we be when our parents provide for us as best they can thus making our lives as easy as possible? As 30 years of age looms ever closer I have decided to make a 3 pronged effort to make a mark of my own.

I have 3 business ideas to work on which I hope to complete one by the end of the year whilst working in a full time job. I really enjoy what I do at the moment and I feel as though I have a lot to offer the company and I feel reluctant to leave until I am sure of how to start up my second business which will hopefully fund my third and final business venture which will be of no surprise to people when I say it will be in property.

So for all my friends who have tried to tempt me out of hibernation... my apologies. I will definitely show my face once I can get past my negativity. I have promised many people many times that I will come out... and I will. I just need some time to myself to clear my head and to find comfort in my situation, which is actually pretty good... but coming from a family of high acheivers I feel like a major underacheiver!

Hope people don't miss me too much. I will document my life as best I can here... so keep coming back! :)

Seriously? I had THREE business ideas to work on? 5 years down the line and I've not gone ahead with ONE... actually I don't even REMEMBER what these ideas were! Word of warning to anyone reading this.... WRITE THINGS DOWN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I started writing a coment a few days ago; but was caught up in work-work that i never got round to pressing send! Anyway, i was going to say, as your loyal reader i think you are doing pretty well. You are probabbly feeling like that because you spent time with your successful family! You are doing really well already, i know you can accomplish more; but dont agonise yourself over it! I feel like I could have done more if i really tried, and its true but i dont want to be beating myself up over it. I say who ever ends up with you have it made, and dont you ever think otherwise. I'm sure you will be in the riches very soon due to your hard work and brain power. I just need to join you on that island of yours when you get it!