Monday, 2 July 2007

Had a great day....

I had a brilliant day today. Nothing special happened, in fact everything was rather ordinary...

The day started with a phone call from parents to say they are safe and sound in Hong Kong. My normal morning routine ensued and I was in the office for 8.50am.

Work was slow after a mad end to the quarter which coincided with the company full financial year end. There were a few reports to create and send out to our distributors before a team meeting where we were told of a reshuffle in the team structure due to being so efficient we are now taking on additional work in other parts of the world.

Home time for everyone meant gym time for me. I decided to stay a little later at work and head to the gym straight after to save having to drive out again after going home. It was a bit packed at the gym but out of the blue I bumped into an old colleague of mine and we had a brief chat about things. I managed to get most of my work out completed other than the stretching as the gym was too full. To compensate for a shorter routine I extended my rowing time from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Making sure I was working in the optimal fat burn zone throughout. It felt really relaxed and I was pretty comfortable... so much so I think I could have rowed for an hour!

After the gym I ordered a pizza... Ok, not the best food to be eating, but I just fancied it as I haven't had it in a while. I settled in at home and put on Men in Black. It was a perfect end to an ordinary day. Simple things are often the things that please us most. I try not to expect too much then I cannot be disappointed. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was happy to return to your page and see 2 entries! I keep on coming back and disppointed that you've not written anything.

I am glad that its all good for you now and you are less worried about things such as 'love' and concentrating on better things.