Saturday, 30 June 2007

How are my readers?

It has been a long time since I have written about me and my life. And the reason for that is because I have been busy.

Again I am at a higher point in my life where I am not stressing too much nor am I worrying about being single. I have found a new focus in work and in the gym. The last month has been a lot of hard work with some tense moments as my team and I tried our best to achieve the target set at the beginning of the quarter. In the end the target was smashed and it was a great end for the company in its first full operating year.

As for going to the gym, I had set my mind on getting fit to play rugby in September for a local team. But also I just want to lose some fat and get fit and healthy after 5 months of quitting smoking. So far I have been going to the gym for about 5 weeks now. And at least 3 times a week. The effects are showing and I also feel a lot fitter too. Actually I am getting very much addicted to going to the gym nowadays. So much so that I prefer to be at the gym than to go out and see my friends!! :S

The rest of my life so far doesn’t really exist. If anyone is expecting some juicy gossip about a girl in my life, I am going to have to disappoint you! There is nothing to tell. I have pretty much left it down to fate rather than work myself up over nothing. I want something to happen… but I guess I have to be patient.

Work, health, love… what else do I need to cover?

I am really enjoying my life at the moment…. Maybe its because I have set myself a goal with going to the gym… Maybe I am just not allowing myself to stress because I have no time…

Would I say this is a positive entry as opposed to a negative one? Yes… I would definitely say I am far happier now than I have been in the last few months. I’ll keep it short and sweet. Happy people have little to write about because we are only ever good at complaining!

Wednesday, 13 June 2007


Today I made a very simple and logical decision. I laid in bed after work feeling quite dozy... I could have just closed my eyes and fallen asleep, but I made a choice. I chose to get up and drive to the gym.

I guess life is a bit like this. We all work hard and we have a choice to make. Do we go and work a little bit more? Or do we stay in and rest on our laurels? It would have been easy for me to stay in and rest one day. I mean I have been to the gym 4 days in a row already... is it so bad that I miss one day? Should I let my body rest?

There are many excuses we find for ourselves in choosing to do things that make our lives easy. But we struggle to find reasons for working harder. I know it is not a battle I always win with myself, but winning is a habit and that is what I am doing now. I am winning. Each time I go to the gym I am getting a little bit fitter. You may argue that my body needs rest, and I will be resting it tomorrow.

Once I can find the motivation to push myself that little bit further I will be able to carry that in other areas of my life. I haven't always been lazy and I haven't always been this unfit. There were times where I had drive and determination... now, later than it should be, I am rediscovering this drive and determination. I have a goal to acheive and I will achieve it.

Random thought: Are trees and plants 'carniverous' in the sense that they 'eat' themselves (fallen leaves and twigs that have decomposed)?

Thursday, 7 June 2007

Blast from the past

Since the purchase of my new car I haven’t had a normal day or work. Basically I went from my cousins wedding to taking a week off to help my brother at his cafĂ©. Managed to get to the gym a couple of times and the driving range too… but I spent far too much time driving with the roof down! Over the weekend I drove to London and spent about 2 hours in the car getting sunburnt. Yes… I can get sunburnt in the UK even after just a couple of hours.

Well the final outcome is that I fell ill. I got a cold, or as my colleagues at work prefer, I had ‘Man Flu’. The WORST flu of all and is touted as the reason dinosaurs became extinct. Luckily I am so fit and healthy I was only bed ridden for a couple of days! A lesser man would be out for WEEKS!

However, being ill meant a perfect opportunity to upload photos I had taken of the wedding and also gave me a chance to scan and upload some old photos I had. Many of these are pre-digital camera days… Hell some of these were taken before many of my friends were even born!

Anyway, I posted photos of the wedding and my new car along with my Hong Kong photos on my imagestation. But I also selected a bunch of photos which had my mug shot in and placed them on facebook too. Some of these photos were of the rugby teams I had played in and all my friends from college.

In the middle of putting these photos up I was added as a friend by a guy I used to live and work with 4 years ago! It was so totally random, but it was cool. And before I knew it I was being added by some old school and college friends! People who I haven’t heard from or seen in over 10 years were appearing suddenly. And a little digging around led me to find even more friends! I never thought I would get to talk let alone see any of these people again… but I guess that’s all changed!

What is quite amazing is that the last time I had seen or talked to these college friends the world was a totally different place. A place where mobile phones were still quick an expensive novelty, the computer was running Windows 3.11 and the internet was via dial up but only very very tech savvy families had it! Email didn’t even exist as far as we knew! Most of us could drive but had no car. Facial hair was still waiting to appear. Relationships meant a snog. This was when I was 17-18 years old in 1995. Those days were about DiscMan and Doc Martins. Those days were about having fun and not caring about the world. Those days we had no fear… we were MEN.

The funny thing is that most of these people still look the same albeit 12 years older. I just wonder what I look like in their eyes. This window of 12 years… what has happened in their lives? Some have married, some have moved abroad, some are still bumming around, some have even left us. Makes me think how people have drifted apart, yet the internet has managed to bring many of us back together again!

So, although I have been ill for a couple of days I have not felt this good in a LONG LONG time! My voice may almost be gone due to having a sore throat and having to talk to distributors at work, but I feel really good from the inside out. Now it’s just a case of finding a time to get together and meet up with some ‘old friends’….